Monday, June 24, 2013

Something's Fishy (and that's a GOOD thing) Norwegian Gold Super Critical Omega - Fish Oil Product Review

Unless you've been living in a cave with no access to the outside world, you've probably heard that Fish Oil supplements are good for you. Some of the main benefits include:

  1. Adding regular fish oil supplements can help promote better relationship between HDL and LDL cholesterol levels which helps to battle heart disease (we can all benefit from that!)
  2. Improving bone density - as we grow older, especially those of us who are entering the menopausal years (or like me, have been circling there for quite some time) we could begin to experience osteoporosis due to hormonal imbalances that affect our bone density. Studies have shown women who consume long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid, along with getting enough calcium, tend to have healthier bones and decreased occurrences of stress fractures or other bone related conditions. (Amen to that - ladies, a cast or crutches does nothing for your outfit!)
  3. Balancing and improving our mood - fish oil consumption helps to increase the levels of serotonin in the body, which is often termed the 'feel good' hormone. (our significant others will certainly appreciate this!).
  4. Joint health - taking Fish Oil also helps lubricate our joints and reduce joint inflammation! (think about that the next time your knees are complaining about going up those stairs...)
So, we know that Fish Oil is good for us - but how to choose? There are so many different brands and types out there it can be quite overwhelming. With all the other supplements I take, it better be a brand that only requires me to take one pill at a time (if I see "serving size equals two" or more, forget it, I move to the next brand). And then, if you're like me, almost every Fish Oil supplement I've taken in the past ends up "revisiting" me via fishy burps throughout the day. Ugh, no thanks! Well all my fish oil worries went away when I discovered Norwegian Gold Super Critical Omega! Here are product images for you so you know what to look for:

This product is AMAZING! Here are my main two reasons why:
  • Special enteric coating that really does make them easier to swallow and burp-free. Hallelujah!
  • Very high potency in only one capsule!

It can be purchased from Amazon with the link below or just check your local health food store - for me it's worth every penny. If you're looking for a high potency, truly burp-free Fish Oil supplement - I highly recommend you try Norwegian Gold Super Critical Omega.

It gets 5 CHEERS from me (the highest rating on this blog).


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